Why A Growing Business Should Hire Tax Recruiters

Are you starting to expand your company from a small business to a medium or large sized one? Do you now need more advice than your part-time tax preparation agent can help you with? If you need a full time tax expert working for your company, you may be considering putting an ad in your local help wanted section, the same way that you did with your other employees. While that may work for some companies, here are some reasons why you should hire tax recruiters to find your new employee: [Read More]

Avoiding The Penalty On Early 401(K) Withdrawals At Age 55 And Up

Despite the tax penalty, it is not unusual for individuals to withdraw money from their retirement accounts before age 59 1/2. The tax code provides exceptions to the penalty for several qualifying  reasons. Persons age 55 or older who have left their jobs and withdrawn funds from a 401(k) account may qualify for an exception to the penalty. Age 59 1/2 is generally the age at which retirement account funds may be withdrawn without penalty. [Read More]

FAQs For Truckers Filing An IRS 2290

If you drive a big rig, you likely have spent a good amount of time getting special training to ensure that you and your big haul stay safe on the road. You realize and understand that you are sometimes subject to stricter traffic laws than citizens driving a regular vehicle, and you probably put a lot of time and effort into making sure you would pass the test for your commercial driver's license. [Read More]

4 Easy Ways To Teach Your Kids About Money And Taxes

Taxes are a part of life. Most people don't learn about taxes until they collect their first paycheck. If you learned about taxes when you collected your first paycheck, you were probably shocked to find out how much money was taken from you. Now that you have children, it's a good idea to teach them about money and taxes while they're young. Learning about income and taxes at an early age will help your children make wise decisions when they're older. [Read More]